slipstreaming my anachronistic surreal consciousness - sharing with you my multiple epiphanies that were spawned while sitting on my porcelain throne (these are the ones I didn't flush) "don't believe everything you think…"

Saturday, January 15, 2005

breakup lines of philosophers

thanks to motley's phlog post for sharin' the blog post "Thoughts Arguments and Rants Philosophy in Questionable Taste" where you'll find the source of the breakup lines of philosophers.

I decided to organize them by philosopher/school… just to make it easier to view…

please DON'T submit anything new here… I respect the original source and that's where ALL submissions should go…

however, feel free to inform me of ANY corrections…

AND, I'm interested in knowing what your favorites are…

philosopher/schoolbreakup linefrom
?There's still sunshine when you're gone.preacher
?I like tomatoes you like tamatoes.preacher
ActualistIf only things could have gone differently…Jeff Medina
AdverbialistI feel terrible-about-this-ly, but…djc
AnaximanderThe fire is gone from this relationship.Shieva
Animal Rights-istLet’s stop eating each other.rac
Anslemp1 We can conceive of a most perfect breakup.
p2 Whatever is conceived exists in the mind of the conceivers.
p3 Whatever exists in the mind of the conceiver and also in reality is better than the same thing that exists only in the mind of the conceiver.
c1 Therefore, a breakup conceived, than which no greater breakup can be conceived, exists in reality as well as in the understanding.
p4 Ours is a breakup greater than which none greater can be conceived.
c2 Our breakup exists in reality.
Anti-BayesianBut I want unconditional love!Rachael
Anti-CommnitarianI’ve forgotten what it’s like to be myself.Paul Audi
Anti-EmergentistOur parts are greater than their sum.rac
Anti-EpistemicistI know you crossed the line!pekka
Anti-FictionalistI’m sick of faking it.Paul Kelleher
Anti-HedonistI’m getting to a point in my life where I’m looking for more than just good
Anti-InfinitistYou always go on and on and on…pekka
Anti-RussellianI love you, but I’m not in love with you.djc
Anti-SolipsistThere’s someone else.djc
Anti-SupervaluationistI can’t be more clear: I don’t love you and I never did.Angel
Anti-Universalist (in the theological sense)Our relationship can’t be saved.Kris McDaniel
Anti-UtilitarianI’m sick of trying to make other people happy!Paul Audi
Aristotle v1You’ve never asked “What’s the matter?”Shieva
Aristotle v2You make me less perfect.Jonathan Ichikawa
ArmstrongI want to freely recombine with others now.Kris McDaniel
ASL’erWhy don’t you talk to me?Mellow
AtheistThese things just happen.Paul Kelleher
A-TheoristThis isn’t going
Behaviorist v1I just can’t keep going through the motions anymore.Brendan Jackson
Behaviorist v2This just isn’t working for you anymore, is it for me?pekka
BerkelyianOur relationship existed only in your mind.Kris McDaniel
Berlin, IsaiahIt’s just not working.M. Turyn
BlockMy feelings for you have changed.djc
BohmianYou make me feel hollow inside.myles byrne
Bose-EinsteinianThe way things have been lately, I just can’t tell where you end and I start.Jason Mansfield
BradleyI feel disconnected from this relationship, because whatever relation there might be between me and it would itself have to be related to me, and…paul
BrandomI can’t make a commitment.djc
BS’erSorry but my dog ate my commitment to you.Mellow
BuddhaYou just don’t understand how much my desire for you is making me suffer.raul arturo mendoza rodriguez de santiago
Campbell, JohnYour face is what causes and justifies my leaving.tb
CamusanYour demands in this relationship are absurd.Eitan Kozak
Cantorian ShakespeareHow do I love thee? Let me count the ways… Cardinality 0.Jeff Medina
Carnap v1The claim that we would break has been confirmed.Alejandro
Carnap v2You’re too negative.Rich Doan
Cartesian v1I don’t clearly and distinctly perceive a future together.Kathryn Schubert
Cartesian v2I’m having doubts about us.Jonathan Ichikawa
Cartesian v3Sorry you are not real enough.Josh Berkstresser
Cartwrightian, R.Face it, babe. We’re scattered objects.David
Chalmers v1It’s conceivable that we might get back together someday, so it might be possible. It all depends on if you’re positive or negative about it.Jeff Medina
Chalmers v2You’re like a zombie on the inside.nk
Chalmers v3Why am I leaving you? That's a hard question.Brian
Channelier*says nothing*Mellow
Chinese RoomI know I’ve been acting like I loved you all this time, but, to be honest, I don’t even know what love is.Jeff Medina
Chisholmian v1You just make me feel so small.Shieva
Chisholmian v2The ideal definition, which I’ve taken seventy-five little steps toward, doesn’t contain your name. So, hit the trail!David
Chisholmian v3You make me feel very tiny.Kris McDaniel
ChristianI’ve run out of cheeks for you.Don Brady
ChurchlandNeuronal synapse 36789 with excessive activation of Potassium channels. Action potential delayed. Or, was it the other way around? Damn it!! I'm sorry, I am really confused right now.Angel
CoherentistThis just isn’t hanging together anymore.pekka
Co-Location TheoristWe’re just in different places, you and I.Shieva
CommunitarianYou’re not my type.Simon Keller
Compatibilist v1 (Frankfurt-type version)Honey, you have to understand: I freely decided to break up with you, but I couldn’t have done otherwise.Gustavo Llarull
Compatibilist v2 (Fischer version)I am moderately receptive but weakly reactive to your love.Gustavo Llarull
Concept AtomistWe don’t compose well.JW
ConfuciusYou just don’t understand your place in our relationship.raul arturo mendoza rodriguez de santiago
Consequentialist v1We aren’t optimal for each other.Paul Kelleher
Consequentialist v2You should have lied to my mother about her pot roast!Paul Kelleher
Constitution TheoristI never loved you. I just loved your body.Kris McDaniel
Content Externalist v1Ever since we moved, you’ve changed.Paul Audi
Content Externalist v2You’re not in my thoughts anymore.Will Davies
Contextualist v1You are wrong. I never said I knew you were the one.Angel
Contextualist v2My feelings haven’t changed, but everything else
ContinentalistYou’ve lost that love and feeling.Paul Kelleher
Cornell RealistYou no longer move me.Paul Kelleher
Counter-InductionistYou’ve been wonderful to me, and the sex has been great…Rachael
CybertarianBRB (wink)Mellow
De BeauviorianIt’s as if I’m not good enough in bed. You always insist on having second sex.Eitan Kozak
Deconstructivist v1I don’t even know if it’s about me or about you, I can’t tell what’s right or wrong. All I know is that something has come between us and from where I’m standing it looks like we’re in the middle of breaking up.Rob Annable
Deconstructivist v2Ohh, I don’t know whether I want to live or die!Rob Annable
DemocritusI bumped into Adam at the Void…Rich Doan
Dennett v1I don’t have enough elbow room in this relationship.Jeff Medina
Dennett v2All you ever wanted from me was physical, and I don’t intend to stand for it anymore.Jeff Medina
DeontologistWe aren’t right for each other.Paul Kelleher
Derrida (breaking up with Saussure)The signs were all there.Brad Weslake
DeterministI’d stay with you, but it’s not up to me.t0x
Direct ReferentialistDthat’s it!Stephan Blatti
DisjunctivistWe’ve grown
DodgsonAren’t you a little old for this?M. Turyn
Dretske v1I hadn’t accounted for the possibility that you were mutton disguised as lamb.Will Davies
Dretske v2There are other, more relevant, alternatives.AW
Dualist v1You’re too cerebral!Paul Audi
Dualist v2You love my body not my mind.Schrodingers gerbil
Dutch Bookable AgentIt seems like no matter what happens, I just can’t win.Rachael
EgalitarianThis is the best thing for both of us.Paul Audi
Einstein v1From your point of view everything may seem to be OK between us, but from mine…Alejandro
Einstein v2I think we are too closely related.calmone
Eliminativist v1You might have thought there was something between us and you might think there still is, but some day you will realize there was never anything there.Sparky
Eliminativist v2You will thank me later.Sparky
Eliminativist v3There never was a You-and-Me, only particles arranged You-and-Me-wise.rac
Emotivistboo-hoo, boo-hoodsosa
EmpiricistI think we should see other people.Paul Kelleher
Epicurean v1This relationship is really great right now, but I anticipate many troubles in its wake.matt strohl
Epicurean v2You’re a lousy fuck.Eitan Kozak
EpiphenomenalistI still love you, but it doesn’t make any difference.djc
Epistemicist v1At some point I stopped loving you but believe me, there is absolutely no use in trying to figure out when that was.Angel
Epistemicist v2There was a line and you crossed it.Will Davies
Error-TheoristEven though we’re through, it may be useful to retain the illusion that we’re still together.Steve
ESP’erRead my mind.Mellow
EternalistAt least we’ll always have that weekend in Paris.Brendan Jackson
EulerianOur relationship has been constant, but irrational.Jason Mansfield
ExistentialistI just feel so alone.Steven Shapiro
ExpressivistWe need to
Fatalist v1It was destined to end this way.Jeff Medina
Fatalist v2There was nothing either of us could have done about it.Jeff Medina
Feminist v1You need to gain more respect for women. Lets begin by shoving that thing down your throat!Lucy
Feminist v2I don’t need you.Cynthia Nowicki
Fodor v1Aunty says you’re not my type.Will Davies
Fodor v2I’m afraid we’re asymmetrically dependent.UL
Fodor v3Aunty says that I owe you an explanation, and I suppose she is right. For what it’s worth, here it is; I believe that I’ve been seeing someone else (in fact I know it, but no matter) and I believe that if you believed that I had been seeing someone else, you would not want to date me any longer. Further, my telling you that I believe that I have been seeing someone else will lead, ceterus paribus, to your coming to believe the same fact (if your hearing is reliable, and you’re paying attention). Which means that right about now you will believe that I am seeing someone else, and you will want to ditch me. But I don’t want to be ditched, and I believe the only way not to be ditched is to ditch you first. Hence you are ditched. (It’s an explanation, though perhaps not the one that Aunty had in mind. Then again explanations were all deductive nomological in Aunty’s day. If you were that traditional, I doubt we’d have dated in the first place.)BM
FoucaultI think I’m gay.calmone
Foundationalist v1We have nothing left to build upon.Paul Kelleher
Foundationalist v2I need to be able to branch out more.Paul Kelleher
FractalianI’ve seen this same pattern in you before.Chasmo
FrankfurtianYes, I still love you, but I don’t think that I want to.Simon Keller
Fregean v1I love you under an old mode of presentation.djc
Fregean v2I can’t grasp your idea of happy relationship.Angel
Fregean v3If only I’d known who you really were, Jocasta…Will Davies
Freudian v1Mom, I think this relationship has gone a bit too far.Steven Shapiro
Freudian v2Sometimes sex is just sex…Daniel
Functionalist v1I don’t care about accommodating your feelings.Paul Kelleher
Functionalist v2You’re trying hard not to show it…Simon Keller
Functionalist v3This isn’t working for
Gendler, TamarTo stay with you - a scenario that faces a strong imaginative resistance from my part.Istvan Aranyosi
GettierI knew I loved somebody in the office, and I am as surprised as you are that it isn’t you.AW
GilliganOf course I still care!Paul Audi
GoedelTry as you might, you just don’t complete me, and you never will.Jeff Medina
GoodmanianYou don’t bring me emeroses, you don’t sing me love prongs…JW
Gricean v1There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.NW
Gricean v2You’re just not the cream in my coffee anymore.Steve
Gricean v3You have to try and understand what I’m about to tell you…John Lee
Hard Determinist v1Let’s not play the blame game.Simon Keller
Hard Determinist v2It’s not my fault.Sparky
Hegelian v1Do we have to go through this again?Kathryn Schubert
Hegelian v2You go back and forth impulsively like the dialectical bitch.Eitan Kozak
Hegelian v3It is! It is not! It is! It is not! IT IS! IT IS NOT! YES, IT IS! NO, IT IS NOT! Look, being this way is just becoming synthetic.Don Brady
Hegelian v4You just don’t understand me.Rich Doan
Heidegger v3I’ve always felt thrown into this relationship.Melissa Haferkamp
Heideggerian v1I’m just not comfortable with being-in-this-relationship.Steve
Heideggerian v2Let’s face it: Daseins are on the wall.rac
Heideggerian v3What do you mean, ‘this doesn’t make any sense’?Mariana
Heideggerian v4I know it’s really hard, but you have to at least make an effort to understand me.Mariana
HeisenbergOur relationship is moving so fast, I don’t know at what point it is anymore.Alejandro
People are only together when both parties want to be seeing each other. (General Law)
I no longer want to see you (particular fact)
Therefore we are no longer together. (explanation of why we are not dating)
Heracleitus v1I’ve had a change of heart.Simon Keller
Heracleitus v2Flux you! (Or: Things change.)Shieva
Heracleitus v3We’ve been down this road before.Rich Doan
HilbertEven if my heart had another chamber, there still wouldn’t be room in it for you.Rachael
HinduEven though we cannot be together, when you are in that place within you where the universe resides, and I am in that place within me, I will always be with you.naz
Hobbesian v1Go away, you’re nasty, brutish, and short.Shieva
Hobbesian v2How can we start over when the fighting never ends?Paul Audi
HofstadterGo t’Hell, an’sure don’t come back! (oooo, the pain of the corn)Jeff Medina
HopkinianYou're not my frog.myles byrne
Humean v1Just because we’re always together doesn’t mean we BELONG together.Paul Audi
Humean v2Relationships need to be about more than just constant conjoining.Paul Kelleher
Humean v3I no longer have reason to be the slave of your passions.pekka
Humean v4I need to find myself.djc
IdealistOur love is immaterial.Rich Doan
Indeterminacy TheoristI was never able to quite pinpoint our relationship anyway.karl
IndeterministI just don’t love you anymore - there’s no good reason for it.Jeff Medina
Indirect RealistI have to think of myself first.Paul Audi
Indirect RecursionistTo explain why we’re breaking up, I must first discuss problems in our relationship. Before I do that, I need to explain why we’re breaking up.Jason Mansfield
InternalistWhy? I have my reasons.AW
IntuitionistWell, it’s not that I don’t love you…JW
Iris-Murdoch-istI think we should really see other people.Simon Keller
JacksonMy intuition is that we are not good together and I think that this intuition is shared by the folks.Will Davies
Jackson, FrankI have a liaison with Mary.Istvan Aranyosi
Jackson, MichaelYou’re too old for me.raul arturo mendoza rodriguez de santiago
James,WilliamOur breaking up is live, forced, and momentous. So take it on faith that we are no longer together.karl
JungianI dreamt that I was looking for a frog…myles byrne
Kantian v1You lied to me!Paul Kelleher
Kantian v2I just don’t think you’re universalizable.Jonathan Ichikawa
Kantian v3I like you, but I just can’t see universalizing you.Jonathan Ichikawa
Kantian v4Our love is too synthetic.Shieva
Kantian v5I thought I needed your love to make sense of anything. Now I realize it was just physiology.Kris McDaniel
Kantian v6I gotta have my space. It’s a necessity.Rich Doan
Kantian v7You’re too critical.Rich Doan
Kaplan v1She and I… this and that… now and then…Rich Doan
Kaplan v2You’ve really been out of character.Rich Doan
KellianI don’t feel benevolent toward you any more.M. Turyn
Kierkegaardian v1This relationship is absurd.sturgeonslawyer
Kierkegaardian v2You’re too gullible.Rich Doan
KorsgaardianI’m looking for a new practical identity.Jonathan Ichikawa
KorzybskianYour crap is not my territory.myles byrne
Kripke v1Our relationship does not exist in the actual world, but perhaps in some other possible world.karl
Kripke v2I thought I was going out with someone named “Schmidt”.karl
Kripke v3You and I are essentially different.Will Davies
KuhnianWe used to work well together, when everything was normal, but now we’re just incommensurable.JW
Langton, RaeDid you even notice when I stopped loving you?Paul Audi
LehrerI don’t know why you didn’t see this coming, Miss Dumpedalot.AW
Leibnizian v1This is all for the best.Matt Weiner
Leibnizian v2Our relationship clearly did not make for the best of all possible worlds, and that is why we are no longer in it.karl
Leibnizian v3Our relationship was not well-founded.Kris McDaniel
Leibnizian v4I no longer desire any mo' nads of yours.t0x
Leiter v1You just don’t rank very highly with me anymore. (I need a top-tier kind of love.)Jeff Medina
Leiter v2It’s not that I don’t love you. It’s that my 60 closest friends don’t love you.eric wiland
Lewis v1Focus too hard on it and it’s gone… Love sure is elusive.Will Davies
Lewis v2Our being together always seemed somewhat absurd, and now I’m not sure it has the theoretical advantages I thought it did. Stop staring at me.AW
Lewisian ContextualistYou should never have asked “But do you REALLY love me?”pekka
LiberalI’ve become neutral on the question of your good life.Simon Keller
Libertarian v1Piss off.Simon Keller
Libertarian v2I need my freedom.AW
Lockean v1Our primary qualities simply aren’t compatible.Kathryn Schubert
Lockean v2Compared to my last partner, I’m not getting nearly enough, nor as good.Paul Kelleher
Lockean v3You’re ugly.t0x
Logical PositivistAny goodness of our relationship is unverifiable. It’s meaningless.Jonathan Ichikawa
Mackie, J. L.Let’s talk about “queerness”…Jay Martin
MaimonadesIt’s not literally your body that I think is ugly.Steven Shapiro
Many Selves Quantum TheoristA part of me will always be with you.Don Brady
Many Worlds Quantum TheoristYou’ll still be with me in so many ways.Jeff Medina
MarxistYou preach to me to distract me from the fact that you’re stealing from me.Eitan Kozak
Materialist v1The only part of me you stimulate anymore is my C-fibers.Steve
Materialist v2Our relationship is not ideal.Rich Doan
McDanielYou will realize there was never anything there.Sparky
McGinn, ColinYou lack that mysterious flame.Istvan Aranyosi
McGinn-ianI’m cognitively closed to your affections. (Or maybe it’s just “You’re not smart enough for me”?)JW
McTaggartianNo, nothing’s changed.Simon Keller
MeinongianI think we should break up, but we can still be together.Steve
MillianLook, I have to tell you that you are too demanding, I am no Clark Kent.Angel
Ming, Wang YangYou keep saying that… but, I need to see some action.John Lee
MinkowskiWe need some space-time between us.Brian
Modal Realist v1This will never work—we’re from different worlds.Brendan Jackson
Modal Realist v2It doesn’t mean we can’t be
Moore v1The value of our relationship is less than the sum of its parts.pekka
Moore v2There, there… this doesn’t mean that you are not desirable.AW
Moore v3Here’s one hand. Here’s another. What do I need you for?AW
Moore v4Our relationship is through, but I don’t believe it.Patrick O'Neill
Moore’s-Law SuperficialistYour waistline has doubled every 18 monthsJason Mansfield
Motivational ExternalistEven though I believed it at the time, I know now that I never really loved you.Paul Kelleher
Mr. T-istAh pittay tha fool who date you!Jason Mansfield
MysticLets continue our relationship exclusively in a non spacio-temporal realm.t0x
Nagel, ThomasYou’re sexually perverse.Istvan Aranyosi
NagelianYou just don’t know what it’s like to be me.Paul Kelleher
NecessitarianI’m sorry, but this is how it has to be.Paul Audi
New Riddle of InductionistWhen I said I loved you…Brad Weslake
Nietzsche v01Sorry, it’s all uber.Shieva
Nietzsche v02Sorry, I’m over you.Caro
Nietzsche v03You’re too good for me.Caro
Nietzsche v04You’re just too GOOD for me!Paul Audi
Nietzsche v05Thus Spoke Zarathrusta.John Lee
Nietzsche v06This relationship is dead.Steven Shapiro
Nietzsche v07Your sex drive is abnormally low. Maybe you’re an ecce homo and operate in a gay science.Eitan Kozak
Nietzsche v08We, as all in our circumstances, now have nothing; if there were some distance between us, at least we’d have its Pathos.M. Turyn
Nietzsche v09Even though we part I will return eternally.Marco Grubert
Nietzsche v10You’re too positive.Rich Doan
Nihilist v1I told you all along that nothing would come between us.Kent Bach
Nihilist v2Why? Well, there’s no one thing, really…Shieva
Nihilist v3This relationship doesn’t mean anything.Steven Shapiro
Nominalist v1I have a fear of
Nominalist v2There’s you and there’s me. There is no us.Paul Audi
Non-CognitivistYou can’t rationalize these
NozickYou’re too insensitive.AW
Objectivist v1I need some “me” time.EthDem
Objectivist v2I want to check these premises and find you gone.M. Turyn
OckhamYou don’t shave.calmone
Olson, Eric T.I’m leaving because you are an animal!Brian
PacifistWhy don’t we just be friends?Simon Keller
Paraconsistent Logician v1I love you, but then again I don’t love you. Is that so wrong?JW
Paraconsistent Logician v2We can break up, but we’ll still be together… and that does not imply anything (everything).karl
Parfit v1You’re not the same person that you were.djc
Parfit v2We need to split up.Kris McDaniel
ParmenadesYou’re not the One for me.Rich Doan
ParmenedianSorry, it’s the beans.Shieva
ParticularistYou’re still adorable, but somehow that makes it all wrong now.pekka
PaternalistIn time you’ll come to see that this is the best thing.Paul Audi
Perdurantist v1I don’t think we should take this relationship to the next stage.Wass
Perdurantist v2There’s a part of me that isn’t comfortable with this relationship.Simon Keller
Perdurantist v3Things are not what they used to
PlantingianA possible world with you and I together for the foreseeable future hasn’t been actualized.David
Plato v1We no longer participate in the Form of dating.karl
Plato v2I’m just getting sick of trading gold for bronze.matt strohl
Plato v3Not enough dialogue.AW
Plato v4Well, now that I’ve seen you in the sun…John Lee
Plato v5I’m afraid last night we went un-Platonic.Istvan Aranyosi
Plato v6Can’t we just be platonic?calmone
PlotinusI’m sorry, you’re just not the oneDavid
PMS’erYou just don’t ‘Get Me’Mellow
Polish LogicianBreakupYouMekarl
PopperThe claim that we would stay together has been falsified.Alejandro
Popper, KarlThis can only work if you can prove that it might not.M. Turyn
PositivistI can’t be wrong about this.Simon Keller
Post-ModernistI don’t even know who you really are.Eitan Kozak
Pragmatist v1This just isn’t working anymore.Shieva
Pragmatist v2You’re ugly.Ralph Finley
PresentistThere just isn’t any future for us.Brendan Jackson
Prichard, H. A.Our relationship rested on a mistake.Rich Doan
ProcrasonaterI’ve been meaning to get around to breaking up with you for a long while now much longer than before the “L” word showed up.rachel
Projectivist v1It’s all in your head!Stephan Blatti
Projectivist v2You’re not lovable anymore.djc
Prototype TheoristYou don’t have the qualities I’m looking for.JW
PutnamIt’s over…. I want you back…. Its over.AW
PythagoreanI am a lover of wisdom, but not of you.Seth Schoen
Quasi-RealistOf course we’re going to be together forever…Paul Kelleher
QuietistI don’t need a reason.Simon Keller
Quinean v1I’m sorry, but you don’t mean anything to me anymore.Jacob Miller
Quinean v2To you it might have appeared that we were really together, but our relationship was just a bunch of undetached dating parts.karl
Quinean v3I’ve got a guy. But hurting you was never my intension.Rich Doan
Quinean v4You’re too dogmatic.Rich Doan
Rama, Zen MasterYou haven’t kept up the payments, go into outer darkness.M. Turyn
Randians, Ayn v1I just want to be alone.Steven Shapiro
Randians, Ayn v2I’m a lesbian douche-bag.Eitan Kozak
Rationalist v1I’m not a priority to you anymore.Paul Kelleher
Rationalist v2I’ve been doing some thinking…Paul Audi
Rationalist v3If you can’t see your faults, there’s nothing more I can say.Paul Kelleher
Rawlsian v1I can’t give any more of myself to you until I’ve given some to all of the others who need me more than you do.Amy
Rawlsian v2I’d like to go back to my original position: single.Amy
ReductionistWe lost the chemistry.Paul Audi
RelationalistWhen we really get down to it, our relationship lacks substance.William
RelativistIt’s no one’s fault.Paul Kelleher
ReliabilistThis just isn’t working anymore.Paul Audi
RetributivistThis is what you get for being rude to my friends.Paul Audi
Rorty, R.I could’ve only loved you as much as my colleagues would let me get away with…Jay Martin
Russellian v01This just doesn’t make sense.JW
Russellian v02‘The relationship’ is meaningless.Shieva
Russellian v03I know that you have been seeing an arbitrary/ambiguous man.Angel
Russellian v04You gotta understand; things look different from where I am.Irem
Russellian v05It is always true that it is false that there is an x such that x is our Relationship.Moises
Russellian v06The love you think exists between us is a part of your brain.Moises
Russellian v07The atomic fact is that I don’t love you.Moises
Russellian v08I judge that “r-Lx” … Russell does not love x, where x is you.Moises
Russellian v09You kill every creative impulse in me, with you I only have possessive impulses.Moises
Russellian v10Our relationship was a logical fiction, I will therefore substitute the inferred entity for a logical construction, meaning we should see other people.Moises
Russellian v11So you support the Bolsheviks eh!!Moises
Russellian v12Our feelings for each other are of different types, our being together is most certainly bad syntax.Moises
Russellian v13You don’t even have a tiny bundle of good qualities.Moises
Russellian v14I only know that you have terrible dispositions but I always have to infer what is your intrinsic nature, I’m done with that!!Moises
Russellian v15The class of all those people who do not belong with themselves, belongs to itself ? Bah !! You and I are such a paradox.Moises
Russellian v16I met a man. We got acquainted.Rich Doan
Russellian v17I’m acquainted with this and that.Rich Doan
Ryle (when ditched)You’re making a big mistake…cp
Sartre v1Hell is other people—you, for instance.paul
Sartre v2Pierre, it’s as if you’re just not here.Melissa Haferkamp
Sartre v3Let’s be honest. From day one our relationship has been based entirely on objectifying one another.Cara
SatisficerYou just ain’t good enough.pekka
SchrodingerWhen I realized what were exactly my feelings for you, they collapsed.Alejandro
SearleIf you think that I love you, you don’t need an argument you need help.Jay Martin
SellarsianEverything looks ok when we’re inside together, but when we go out, I feel blue & you look green.JW
SemicompatibilistWe weren’t completely compatible, and I only sort-of loved you anyway. But don’t worry: nothing we really care about will be lost…John Fischer
SheldrakeYou never think of anyone but me… me…myles byrne
SierpinskiThere are infinitely many holes in our relationship.Jason Mansfield
Skeptic v1I’m just not sure this is working for me.matt strohl
Skeptic v2I just don’t know you anymore.AW
Smith, JosephWasn’t that you I told to leave?M. Turyn
Smithian, AdamI’d rather use my “invisible hand” than sleep with you.Steven Shapiro
SocialistI just can’t give you what you need.Paul Audi
Socratic v1What do you mean by “I”? What do you mean by “Love”? What do you mean by “You”?matt strohl
Socratic v2You already know what’s wrong; I shouldn’t have to tell you.Cerulean
Socratic v3You’re too old.Rich Doan
SolipsistIt’s not you, it’s me.Paul Kelleher
Speech-Act Theorist v1I’m telling you it’s not working.NW
Speech-Act Theorist v2I hereby break up with you.Steve
St AugustineSorry your will has too many deficiencies.Josh Berkstresser
Stage View PerdurantistAt this stage, I don’t love you.Irem
StichThe survey results are in, what we had wasn’t love after all.AW
StoicIf you can’t get used to your status as a preferred indifferent, we’re going to have to call the whole thing off.matt strohl
Straussian v1I’m not breaking up with you. Gentleman 29 bandicoot.Simon Keller
Straussian v2I know you’ve said a million times that you love me, but I can just tell you don’t mean it.tb
Strong-AI-istI’m just not ready yet. But call me later this century sometime.Jeff Medina
Structuralist LogicianYou and I do not satisfy what it is to be in a “going out” relationship.karl
SubstantivalistSomething’s come between us.Simon Keller
SufistI just need something more real.raul arturo mendoza rodriguez de santiago
SupervaluationistI’ve had it with you! This is where I draw the line. But with you, I know it won’t matter.Angel
SurrealistHow many fish does it take to change a light bulb?Jason Mansfield
Tarskian v1You can’t satisfy what “I need __”.Angel
Tarskian v2Since we stopped being intimate, I have been trying to satisfy my own needs. But you know, this is absurd.Angel
TeleologistWe aren’t meant for each other.Paul Kelleher
ThalesWe’re just treading water.Rich Doan
The Lubovitcher RebbeI love Tanya more than you.M. Turyn
ThomistIt would seem that our relationship will continue eternally.
1. Our relationship has continued unchanging up to this point; and what continues unchanging is eternal. Thus, our relationship is eternal.
2. Our relationship has been one of love, and as the Evangelist sayith, “God is Love.” Because relationships of equality are transitive, Love is God, and Love is therefore eternal.
3. Our relationship is good, and the good abides.
On the contrary, I say that nothing but God is eternal. Scripture sayith that Man is the creature of but a day, doomed to die, and when you or I die, the relationship will clearly end. Therefore our relationship is not eternal.
1. Our relationship had a beginning; therefore it is not eternal and will have an end.
2. To say “God is love” is not an expression of equality but an attribution of a property to a subject. Thus, as to say “the dog is white” does not mean that all white things are dogs, so too love is not necessarily God, and need not be eternal.
3. Our relationship has been good, but now it stinks. Get outta here.
Trope TheoristThe love we feel for each other just isn’t the same.Shieva
Twin EarthIt seemed like love, but it never really was. Let’s call it what it really is and move on.Jeff Medina
Tzu, HsunI just don't like your evil side.John Lee
Tzu, LaoIt’s just not the way…John Lee
Unger, Peter v1I don’t know what we can do to save this relationship.Kris McDaniel
Unger, Peter v2You make me feel like I don’t exist.Kris McDaniel
Unger, Peter v3Our relationship has many problems.Kris McDaniel
Unger, Peter v4Of course it is over! You sold everything I own and then gave all of the money away!Kris McDaniel
Unger, Peter v5It’s not you, but it’s not me either.Jay Martin
Utilitarian v1This will make us both happier in the end.UL
Utilitarian v2This’ll be the best for everybody.Sunil
Van CleveI left because you aren’t right for me.Brian
Van Fraassen, Bas(a bit thrilling) I think I’ll build a tower tall enough for its shadow to cover at 5 o’ clock the place on the terrace where I first declared love to youIstvan Aranyosi
Virtue TheoristI’m being cruel, but only to be kind.Simon Keller
Weatherson v1My love for you is true, but not as true as it used to be…Jeff Medina
Weatherson v2I’m sick of your games, so I’m making a decision to get rid of them completely.Jeff Medina
Weatherson v3See, there’s this envelope with a regular probability distribution over the levels of love from 0 (none) to 1 (perfect) that I might have with someone else, and then there’s us… it just wouldn’t be rational for me to stay with you.Jeff Medina
Weatherson v4Look at this photo—you cheated on me without my knowledge! (Except that it is actually a pix of BW and his object of direct address in, shall we say, corpus seducto that he does not recognize because his head is buried in his hands (ala his home page) and he was drunk at the time and does not recall the incident at all.)V. Alan White
WhiteheadThe history of our relationship has consisted of nothing but a series of love notes from Plato.V. Alan White
Wittgensteinian v01I’m just not happy with this form of life…Matt Weiner
Wittgensteinian v02Don’t expect an answer.Simon Keller
Wittgensteinian v03I think you need therapy.Will Davies
Wittgensteinian v04The door is open, baby. Hit the road.Kris McDaniel
Wittgensteinian v05There’s really nothing more I can say…cp
Wittgensteinian v06Baby, don’t ask why- whereof we cannot speak, thereof we must be silent.F
Wittgensteinian v07I can’t find any use for our relationship, it has become meaningless to me.Moises
Wittgensteinian v08Shhh!!!!Moises
Wittgensteinian v09I cannot see how to go on.Brad Weslake
Wittgensteinian v10My goal is to be let out of this constricting relationship.Steven Shapiro
Wittgensteinian v11Our relationship must be thrown away after living through it.Alejandro
Wittgensteinian v12Let’s stop playing these games. Don’t say anything, it just makes things worse.Neil K
Wittgensteinian v13You play games. And you’re early work stinks.Rich Doan
YahooerI will be removing you from my friends list.Mellow
Yandell, K.Well, I do love you in W* but W* is far removed from the actual world.Jay Martin
Zen KoanistTell me where the darkness goes at daybreak. That’s where this relationship is going.Jason Mansfield
Zeno v1I can’t get across to you.djc
Zeno v2This isn’t going anywhereac
Zeno v3No matter how close I try to get to you, you always seem so distant.Jeff Medina
Zuboff, ArnoldThere is only one of us.Istvan Aranyosi

Great job! Classic list ;) - motley
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