slipstreaming my anachronistic surreal consciousness - sharing with you my multiple epiphanies that were spawned while sitting on my porcelain throne (these are the ones I didn't flush) "don't believe everything you thinkā€¦"

Sunday, September 14, 2003

The Teardrop Collector (12-7-94)

I am the teardrop collector.
I collect rare teardrops.

Tears of pleasure.
Tears from those who cry
before, during,
and after sex.

Tears of happiness.
Tears from mothers during
the pain of birth.
Tears from fathers
at the first sight
of their newborn.

Tears of shame.
Tears from a lifelong burden
that you try to hide.

Tears of guilt.
Tears from sins that scar yours
and other souls.

Tears of regret.
Tears from times you wish
you could redo a certain

Tears of hopelessness.
Tears from know that there are
things beyond your control.

Tears of sadness.
Tears from those who cry
silently and alone.

I am the teardrop collector.
The world spins & I'm a part of it.

Sharing thoughts, borrowing ideas.

Tears come in many flavors.
I sort them to savor.
The rare ones tastes the best.

In fragile vials I keep them.
Precious they all are.

Each flavor has a history.
When I taste a tear,
I learn the reason of it.

When you shed a tear for me,
you share your thoughts to me.

I am the teardrop collector.
I collect rare teardrops.
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