slipstreaming my anachronistic surreal consciousness - sharing with you my multiple epiphanies that were spawned while sitting on my porcelain throne (these are the ones I didn't flush) "don't believe everything you thinkā€¦"

Sunday, September 21, 2003

perdigana bowling

"perdigana" is a colloquial Spanish hybrid word from "perder" (to lose) & "gana" (desire), the loose translation is "desire to lose"

The object of the game for "perdigana bowling" is to score the lowest. However, gutter balls are considered equal to a strike. It actually is a little harder to play than regular bowling.

The fun part to playing "perdigana bowling" is when you add the drinking rules. You have to drink, whenever you get a gutter ball, a strike or a spare. Basically, you wouldn't want to miss a pin nor would you want to hit them all.

The 1st and only time I've played this was over 10 yrs. ago and I got so drunk. But, it was probably the most fun bowling I've ever played.

This weekend, I will hopefully be playing perdigana bowling with Brian, Kleber, Kurt & Steve {who apparently won a bowling scholarship (I've never heard of such scholarship)} at Strike (which I've been wanting to go to for over a year now).

And, we're going to try the largest underground go-kart racing. I haven't gone go-kart racing in the longest time. So, this is something else to look forward to.
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