slipstreaming my anachronistic surreal consciousness - sharing with you my multiple epiphanies that were spawned while sitting on my porcelain throne (these are the ones I didn't flush) "don't believe everything you thinkā€¦"

Saturday, September 27, 2003

go-kart racing

last night was fun!

Brian, Keenan, Steve & I played 2 games of bowling. As predicted Steve was #1 & Brian was 2nd on both games. We never got to play perdigana. But it was still fun to play. Which could become an alternative weekend option. Though, I know we'll stick to our local bowling alleys.

Dale, Kleber & Kurt came but didn't play.

It was a different kind of bowling alley. The entrance was on a small 2 story building. But everything was underground, which was cool. It was so much bigger underground than what I expected. It was dark with loud but good music and light effects. The interior design was neon-colored theme.

The fun part of the night for me is when Steve & I went go-kart racing! It just felt good (after 2 pitchers of beer). (Unfortunately, my digital camera doesn't have any flash and it can't take pictures in the dark, so the 3 shots Brian took of us racing just came out black.)

I was wearing my rented bowling shoes while go-kart racing. I didn't realize that I still had them on till after we were leaving and we were outside in the parking lot.

Last time I went go-kart racing was with my oldest cousin on my Dad's side (he's 3 yrs. older). I went to visit my cousins in Arizona. My cousin decided to take me go-karting. I was still new at driving. And he took me to the bigger & faster go-karts (they looked and almost were the size of dune buggies).

I didn't know what I was in for. He said that there was nothing to worry about. Then he drove 1st and scared the shit out of me! He just kept laughing when he saw how scared I was. The race tract wasn't flat, it was on mounds and dips. And, I got butterflies on my stomach from the way he drove!

Then when it was my turn, I wasn't happy about feeling tricked about the whole thing. So, as soon as the light when green, I floored the gas pedal and never let it up and never stepped on the brakes till the end of the race! Because of the mounds and dips, there were times when we aired from the tract! He said that I impressed him. (I was hoping to scare him.)

I asked why my time was slower than his because I never stepped on the brakes. He explained that I lost time whenever we lost traction from the curves or from flying from the mounds.
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